Friday, January 16, 2009

How to Teach Your Best Friend How to Act Around Popular Guys

This article is mainly directed towards teen girls. You've had the same best friend since you were 10 and you love her to death, but somewhere along the line things changed right? Maybe you are more outgoing and she's a hermit crab! Is your best friend uptight and too serious when you are talking to your guy friends? Teach her to lighten up!


1.Mention these friends to her. When you are at lunch (or wherever) and she is asking you about your day bring up these friends. Maybe Mikey said something funny or maybe Bob told you a crazy story! Just talk about these people so she knows you are friends with them.
2.Set an example for her. If Garrett tries joking with her and she's not taking the bait and instead whining, then step in and play along with him. Show her what kind of reaction he's looking for!
3.Reassure her. When you are alone, say things like..."He was just kidding with you!" Or, "That was a pretty funny story, huh?" Maybe she's sensitive around guys and doesn't know how to take things. Watch her body language, expressions, and reactions when you do this.
4.Teach her a lesson. It sounds mean, but do it once or twice and she'll get the picture. When you are at lunch, say things like, "Well...I'm going to go see what Dan is up to over there!" She needs to realize that your life doesn't revolve completely around her, and your guys are important too.


1.If over time she still seems like she doesn't like them or is still uncomfortable around them, then back off. You don't HAVE to have the same friends. If all else fails, then tell her that. Tell her that you can have different friends and the two of you can still be best of friends anyways.
2.Know the kind of guys she's into. Make an effort to be friends with her guy friends too.
3.Make time for ALL your friends!


1.Don't force her to like anyone she doesn't.
2.Don't get mad if she doesn't like your guy friends. Assure the guys that she's not being mean, they just don't click.
3.Realize that some people are really shy!